we publish participant infos on this page approximately 1-2 weeks before the event.

general information

Göteborg 6 July 2024
Hej, vad kul att du ska delta i Color Obstacle Rush Göteborg!

Vänligen läs detta dokument mycket noggrant och glöm inte att dela det med ditt team! Det innehåller viktig information om hur du förbereder dig och vad du kan förvänta dig av årets Color Obstacle Rush. Tillsammans kommer vi att göra denna dag till en fantastisk, färgstark upplevelse!
Före loppet: kontrollera din starttid, ankomsttid och hur du förbereder dig inför evenemanget  
För att säkerställa att evenemanget går så smidigt och säkert som möjligt har vi angett en specifik ankomsttid för varje startgrupp. Se schemat nedan för att se när du borde vara på plats vid evenemanget. Vi ber dig att inte komma till evenemanget före eller efter den angivna ankomsttiden.
Lördag 6.7. 2024 - ÅBYTRAVET, Göteborg
Åbyvägen 2-12
431 62 Mölndal
Hur tag jag mig till evenemanget
Med bil
Åbytravet ligger i Mölndal, en mil söder om Göteborg. Om du kommer ifrån norr: Kör E6/E20 söderut mot Malmö. Sväng av vid Åbromotet mot Mölndal S. Följ skyltar mot Åby Arenastad. Om du kommer ifrån söder: Kör E6/E20 norrut mot Göteborg. Sväng av vid Åbromotet mot Mölndal S. Följ skyltar mot Åby Arenastad.
Den stora parkeringen sydväst om huvudentrén är en betalparkering och debiteras enligt taxan som visas på parkeringsautomaterna. Du kan betala din parkering med kort eller via sms parkering. Det är avgift samtliga dagar.
Med buss
Ordinarie busslinje 753 går från Heden via bland annat Vasaplatsen till Åbytravet (hlp Åby Arenastad). Därefter är det 410m.  Buss 25 hlp Fässbergsgymnasiet. Buss 751 (Frölunda Torg-Mölndal-Mölnlycke) stannar vid hållplatsen Stallbacken. Därefter är det 8 min promenad till huvudentrén. Reseplaneraren finner du här:
Tillträde till festivalområdet
Kartan nedan visar ingången till arenan och riktningen från ingången (rött) till festivalområdet (gult).
Starttid och ankomsttid
Ankomsttid: 10:00-10:15
Uppvärmning: 11:00
Start: 11:15
Ankomsttid: 10:30-10:45
Uppvärmning: 11:30
Start: 11:45
Ankomsttid: 11:00-11:15
Uppvärmning: 12:00

Start: 12:15

OBS! Den sista startgruppen avgår kl. 12:00 och den sista möjligheten att inträda till banan är kl. 12:15, så kom ihåg att vara i tid för den sista uppvärmningen som börjar kl. 12:00.
Inte säker på vilken tid du har?
Du kan se den på din biljett, vilken har skickats till e-postadressen tillhörande den person som anmälde din grupp. Den personen kan också logga in på sitt konto på vår webbplats och hämta biljetterna därifrån.  
Det finns en kiosk vid ingången till arenan.
Det kommer att finnas två vattenstationer på evenemangsområdet. Du kan också ta med din egen vattenflaska (så länge flaskan inte är gjord av glas) men observera att det kan vara ganska svårt att klara av några av hindren med en vattenflaska i handen!

Checklista - vad ska jag ta med mig?
  • Din biljett
  • Eventuellt orderbekräftelsen för de förbeställda produkterna
  • Observera att biljetten/orderbekräftelsen inte behöver skrivas ut, du kan också visa dem på din telefon.
  • Solglasögon eller skyddsglasögon. Observera att vi starkt rekommenderar att du använder solglasögon eller skyddsglasögon på evenemanget, men att det inte är obligatoriskt. Solglasögon kan också köpas på plats.
  • Lämplig löputrustning. Vi rekommenderar att du bär långbyxor.
  • Ett stort leende!
  • Något att täcka sätena i bilen eller bussen.
  • Byte av kläder (valfritt).

Har du fortfarande frågor?

Kolla vår FAQ här!

Stockholm 13 July 2024
Hej, vad kul att du ska delta i Color Obstacle Rush Stockholm!

Vänligen läs detta dokument mycket noggrant och glöm inte att dela det med ditt team! Det innehåller viktig information om hur du förbereder dig och vad du kan förvänta dig av årets Color Obstacle Rush. Tillsammans kommer vi att göra denna dag till en fantastisk, färgstark upplevelse! 

Före loppet: kontrollera din starttid, ankomsttid och hur du förbereder dig inför evenemanget  

För att säkerställa att evenemanget går så smidigt och säkert som möjligt har vi angett en specifik ankomsttid för varje startgrupp. Se schemat nedan för att se när du borde vara på plats vid evenemanget. Vi ber dig att inte komma till evenemanget före eller efter den angivna ankomsttiden.
Lördag 13.7.2024 - SPORTFÄLTET VID GÄRDET, Stockholm
115 28 Stockholm
Vi har inga separata parkeringsplatser för våra deltagare på evenemangsplatsen. De kommunala parkeringsplatserna i området är begränsade.
Vi rekommenderar starkt att ni anländer med tunnelbana, annan kollektivtrafik eller cykel. Närmaste tunnelbanestationen är Gärdet vid röda linjen 13. Härifrån är det ca. 10 minuter till fots till evenemangområdet. Buss 72 och 76 till Filmhuset tar dig inom 3 minuters gångavstånd.
För förbindelser kolla här.
Vårt festivalområde är markerat med gult på kartan nedan:
Starttid och ankomsttid
Ankomsttid: 10:00-10:15
Uppvärmning: 11:00
Start: 11:15
Ankomsttid: 10:30-10:45
Uppvärmning: 11:30
Start: 11:45
Ankomsttid: 11:00-11:15
Uppvärmning: 12:00
Start: 12:15
OBS! Den sista startgruppen avgår kl. 12:00 och den sista möjligheten att inträda till banan är kl. 12:15, så kom ihåg att vara i tid för den sista uppvärmningen som börjar kl. 12:00.
Inte säker på vilken tid du har?
Du kan se den på din biljett, vilken har skickats till e-postadressen tillhörande den person som anmälde din grupp. Den personen kan också logga in på sitt konto på vår webbplats och hämta biljetterna därifrån.  

Catering kommer att tillhandahållas av Galet Gott Foodtruck som serverar läckra hamburgare och quesadilla bowls. Finnan's Coffee kommer också att vara på plats och servera kaffe och churros! 


Checklista - vad ska jag ta med mig?
  • Din biljett
  • Eventuellt orderbekräftelsen för de förbeställda produkterna
  • Observera att biljetten/orderbekräftelsen inte behöver skrivas ut, du kan också visa dem på din telefon.
  • Solglasögon eller skyddsglasögon. Observera att vi starkt rekommenderar att du använder solglasögon eller skyddsglasögon på evenemanget, men att det inte är obligatoriskt. Solglasögon kan också köpas på plats.
  • Lämplig löputrustning. Vi rekommenderar att du bär långbyxor.
  • Ett stort leende!
  • Något att täcka sätena i bilen eller bussen.
  • Byte av kläder (valfritt).
Har du fortfarande frågor?

Kolla vår FAQ här!
Where can I find my tickets?

- Tickets have been sent to the person's email who made your booking. You can also find all information by logging into your profile here:

Profile was automatically created for the person's email who made your booking, please request a new password on your first login "lost password".


Please arrive at least one hour before your departure group to the check in.

Remember to bring with you:

  • The ticket

(+ if you have pre-ordered products from our website, please bring the order confirmation with you as you will need it at the store to pick up the products)

We at Color Obstacle Rush want to pay close attention to your safety at our event. When you arrive at the parking lot, please follow the signage and directions given by our staff.


Please note!

  • You do not have to print the documents, you can show them from your phone.
  • Customer service may not be able to answer your questions during the weekend of the event.
  • You can buy tickets for the event exclusively online until the last Thursday before the event.

At the check-in, your ticket will be checked before you can access the event village area.

You will receive your possible pre-ordered products (face paints, tutus, etc.) after check-in at the collection point (PREORDERS) near our "STORE" tent. To receive all the products related to your order, we will need your order confirmation.

Note that you do not need to print your ticket, you can also show it from your phone.


To speed up the check-in, please prepare your ticket in advance.  

You will receive your T-shirt, wristband and any Swag Bag (an offer for early birds). We do not ask you to specify your T-shirt size when purchasing the ticket. We ask that you decide in advance which T-shirt you would like to receive at the check-in (this is a standard unisex T-shirt, size S-XL). If you feel between two sizes, take the larger one: it will be more comfortable! Unfortunately, for security reasons, we do not allow exchanges.

The wristband is your ticket to the event. You must wear it on your wrist throughout the event.

After the check-in, you will also have an opportunity to buy some merchandise at our store. 

And one more thing: you’ll receive your personal color packet as soon as you cross the finish line!

Security of the event

Underage participants aged 12-15 must be accompanied by a supervisor throughout the event.

Participants in the Color Obstacle Rush should be aware that they participate at their own risk. For your safety and the safety of all other participants, we ask you to follow the instructions of our team throughout the event.

Starting groups and Warm-up

The event is shared in groups. It will take 15-30 minutes to get everyone through the starting gate, so please be patient. This way we also avoid most queues and traffic jams on the course.


Please follow the instructions of our coach as well as the staff members located at the startline who will guide you all the way to the track.


Remember that the event is not a competition and the most important thing is to have fun. If you prefer not to run, you can also do the course by walking or even dancing! Please be respectful of faster or slower participants and leave room for others. Peace, love and harmony to each participant regardless of their speed!


Before each start group, there is a warm-up to prepare you for the race.

Like everything in Color Obstacle Rush, the warm-up is all about having fun! Get ready to dance and stretch with us!


We have a shop in the event village where you can buy our merchandise.

Sunglasses, extra color packs, face paint... will be on sale at the store.

We do accept card and cash payments in our event. But unfortunately, we do not have contactless Mobile payment services.

You can collect your possible pre-ordered products at the "PREORDERS" pick-up point near the "STORE" shop.

To receive all the products related to your order, we will need your order confirmation.

Where to keep your stuff?

You can leave your clothes in our guarded cloakroom.

The price of the locker room is:

  • Jacket 30 SEK
  • Backpack 50 SEK
  • You will also be charged 10 SEK for each additional visit, except of course when you leave at the end of the event. As a result, be sure to take everything you need with you on your first visit to the locker room.

We do accept card and cash payments in our event. But unfortunately, we do not have contactless Mobile payment services.

ATTENTION ! Each participant can leave only one bag in the cloakroom.

As space is limited, we do not accept bags that are larger than a normal sized backpack (duffel bags for example), that cannot be hung or that weigh more than 5 kg. Items allowed are therefore a normal sized jacket or backpack.

We recommend that you leave your valuables at home.

Color Obstacle Rush accepts no responsibility for any items that are lost and/or damaged, even in the locker room.

Additionally, we recommend using a sports armband for your cell phone if you want to keep it on you. You can also put your phone in a resealable plastic bag to protect it from color, water and foam.

Carrying heavy bags during the event is not permitted (lightweight drawstring bag and fanny pack are allowed).

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothes would be a good start!


For your safety and the safety of other participants, please wear sunglasses or goggles as well as shoes to be able to participate in the event.


We do not recommend the use of contact lenses at the event.


We include a free t-shirt for each participant, and most participants wear it during the event. You will not be allowed to participate if you wear clothes or accessories with sharp parts that could injure other participants or that could damage the inflatable structures that are located along the route.


Please note that the course contains obstacles where you slide and crawl, so it is a good idea to wear long pants.


There are NO showers on site.


We strongly recommend that you bring a change of clothes, as well as a towel or a large plastic bag to prevent your car or public transport from being stained.


Buses and trains may not allow passengers to board without clean clothes or something to cover the seats.

Obstacles and color

It may take a few minutes before you can get through the obstacles, so be patient.

Please follow the instructions given by the staff and the starter who will guide you to the starting gate.

There will be different obstacles on the course which is about 5 kilometers long. We reserve the right to make changes to the number and range of obstacles as well as the distance of the course depending on location, terrain, weather conditions and other circumstances. We cannot guarantee that all of our obstacles will be used at every Color Obstacle Rush event.

The obstacles are quite easy and a lot of fun, but you will need to be careful and watch out for others.

If an obstacle seems too difficult for you, you can certainly bypass it.

Please do not stop at/in obstacles to wait for your friends, take pictures (or for a nap).

This will interfere with the normal progress of the race and cause queues at obstacles. Photos are allowed between the obstacles and of course in the event village.

Some inflatable obstacles can get hot in the sun. It is a good idea to wear long pants (or leggings) to make the experience more comfortable!

There are color stations on the course. The color powder is 100% natural cornstarch that has been dyed with colors. The powder is specially made for these kinds of events. Our powder in all Color Obstacle Rush events is flame retardant. However, it can cause allergic or asthmatic reactions to those who are allergic to dust.

You must wear sunglasses or goggles at each color station.

Can I participate if I am pregnant or I have some health issues?

If you are pregnant or have any issues with your health we recommend you consult your doctor before entering the Color Obstacle Rush.

Although our mission is to make the race as safe as possible for every participant, there is always the possibility of unforeseeable incidents (such as falling or bumping into another person).

Finish and Colour Festivals

You will receive your color packet at the finish line. If you have purchased additional color packets, you will get these from the "PREORDERS" collection point near the "STORE" shop.

Then it's time for the festival of colors!

Non-stop color festivals await you as well as an After-party with lots of joy and good humor.

Follow the instructions of our moderator and the DJ, be careful and have fun!

We ask you not to drop anything other than colored powder on the floor! Recycling should be our way of life. Please throw the bags and other waste in the trash.

Photos and social media

If you want to take pictures yourself at the event, you can put your cell phone or camera in an armband or resealable plastic bag. It can be difficult to complete some obstacles with devices in hand, so be sure to have a place to keep your devices while completing the obstacles.

Also note that there will be colored powder, foam and water on the course, which can damage your electronics.

You can take your action camera (GoPro style) with you, but selfie sticks are prohibited for safety reasons.

In the registration conditions that you accepted when you registered, by participating in the event you give us your irrevocable agreement to be filmed and photographed and that these materials can be used by Color Obstacle Rush and these commercial partners for advertising, to promote other group events, or for any other media use. You waive any claim for compensation for the use of your image.

If you share your beautiful photos on social media, please use the hashtag #colorobstaclerush so we can find them too! 🙂

And to get a little more color in your life, follow us on:

Facebook: Color Obstacle Rush  

Instagram: @colorobstaclerush

Food and drink

There will be two water stations located in the event area. You can also bring your own water bottle (as long as it is not glass) but please note that it can be quite difficult to overcome some obstacles with a water bottle in hand!

In addition, we have food trucks or catering services at our events that offer varied menus.

The number of foodtrucks and menus change from event to another.

Alcohol and smoking

Smoking and bringing alcoholic beverages to the event is prohibited.

We strongly advise participants not to drink alcoholic beverages before the race!


There will be no designated area for smokers.

What happens if I can’t participate

Sorry to hear that! If you cannot participate in the event, you can transfer your participation to another Color Obstacle Rush event in the year 2024 by contacting our customer service or give your ticket to another person.

All transfer requests must reach us no later than the day before the event and our customer service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Customer service may not be able to answer your questions over the weekend.

To give the ticket to someone
No manipulation on the ticket is necessary since the tickets are not nominative. You can give the ticket to the person attending on your behalf and the new attendee can arrive at the event by presenting the ticket.

Registration fees are non-refundable.


Further information can be found on our website, in the FAQ section.

If you need additional help, our customer service team will be happy to help you! Leave us your message in the chat icon on our FAQ & Contact page.

Don't wait until the last minute, send us a message and get everything in order before the event day!

Checklist - What should I bring with me?


  • Your ticket 
  • Possible order confirmation with the pre-ordered products. 



  • sunglasses or goggles. Please note that we strongly recommend you to use sunglasses or goggles at our event, but it is not mandatory. Sunglasses can also be purchased at the event. 
  • Appropriate running equipment . We recommend that you wear long trousers.
  • A huge smile! 


  • Something to cover the seats in the car or bus. 
  • Change of clothes (optional).